Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wolverine it ain't

This past Thrusday I went to see the new X-men movie, Wolverine: Origins.  I'd heard a couple of peoples takes on it and for the most part they were less than mediocre.  Now I'm a comic book fan, have been since I was in grade school and I knew well the history of the X-men and Wolverine.  I also am well aware that the true Origins of Wolverine have never actually be confirmed, there are lots of dark alleys and false avenues with him and his past.  There are known bits and pieces that has led to a lot of turmoil in his life but which has also led to some fantastic story arcs.
Now not wanting to just bank on what 'others' had said my buddy Greg and I went and saw the movie.  I sat quietly through the movie and wanted to reserve my opinion until the very end when the credit were rolling.
When the movie ended I looked over at Greg and we both gave a see-saw hand gesture, we were mid-line on it.  Now that was immediately after the movie had ended and we hadn't had time to let it sink in.  In the hours following the end of the movie my midrange view of the movie started to steadily decline and I didn't even realize it until I took the time to talk to someone about it and it was at that point that I realized that the movie really wasn't worth the money spent to see it.
For the most part the story was very shoddy, everyone you are intorduced to is killed inside 5 minutes of their name/character appearing on screen.  You don't get to know anyone at all, anyone that happens to be alive at the end of the movie is still a very one dimensional character.  I honestly felt the only character that was worth the time spent was Sabertooth, I personally felt that Liev Shreiber did a solid job portraying that character and kept him fairly close to the kind of character he is in the comics.  Beyond that everything else in the movie was very much wasted, even the CG was garbage.  At this day in age if you aren't pulling off good CG then you shouldn't be hyped as a big movie.  Now I'm not saying that a movie has to have CG or has to have good CG but it has to know it's own limitations and work within them, Wolverine was very very poorly done, they tried to accomplish far more than they were able to pull of, CG wise.  There was a LOT of stuff that either didn't look right or looked very fake/poorly done.
Don't even get me started about the appearance of Deadpool at the end, that character was SO far wrong in how he was done that it was a joke.

I want to make it clear that I understand with comic book adaptation to movie there are things that have to be compromised and things that have to be edited/changed so far though the comic book movies that I've seen that are worth the watch are the ones that try and stay as close to the lines of the comic book as possible.

Getting away from the Wolverine Movie I'm tending to think that it might be worth my while to look at changing the layout of my blog.  This layout was left over from my previous run at blogging and though I am still into the Japanese look/feel I don't think that this is accurately portraying what it is that I'm trying to put forward.  Black with Orange writing doesn't seem to do it for me anymore.
Perhaps a face lift, of blogging proportions, is in order.



Thursday, May 28, 2009

Starting Over

I'm restarting this blog.  I've scrapped everything that I had originally posted here, it was a dark and uncertain time and frankly just thinking about it put me in a negative place.  So I've tossed out all the old posts and am starting fresh.  I'm going to make an effort to try and make this a regular thing that I do.  With my original blog I was trying to post 4 or more times a week, well that quickly disappeared.  I'm going to make the effort to truly get at least 2 posts a week up here.  Now that may vary somewhat.  If something big happens or there are a lot of things I want to talk about then I could easily end up doing more than 2 posts a week but for the mean time I'm only going to hold myself to the 2 posts.

What am I getting out of this?  This is something that I've started asking myself.  I know for a fact that this is able to help me with my ultimate goal of becoming a writer, at least in some recognizable capacity.  Something that I'm seeing and that only just occurred to me was that it is very difficult to become a writer these days. is and it isn't.
As far as writing goes I know I'm not as motivated about it as I should be in order to make myself a decent amount of money with it.  In order to make money with writing I'd have to be willing to write on a very regular and very continuous basis and I don't see myself doing that, at least not yet.  I don't exactly know why I don't have the supreme motivation be a consistent writer.  That's perhaps why one of the reasons I'm doing this blog, to keep me motivated into doing something that is worth while and will help push me creatively.

There are a few topics that I know I'm going to touch on in the next little while, there are also topics I know I'm going to shy away from because of the negative pull they can end up having related to this blog.  As far as personal/life information goes I really can't say how that will play out here but, again, there are things that I'm really going to steer away from posting.

I think this is a good spot to leave this blog at for now.
