Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Blog Re-imagined

I've been doing a little thinking over the last couple of days, aside from the revamp look of my blog, which may change even further depending on how I feel about what I'm thinking, but a good blog should have a running theme or at least an overall idea linking it together.
Currently my blog is a random series of thoughts and stores with no real theme running behind the background other than my life, which is actually a pretty broad topic.  It does work for some people but they focus on distilling a certain aspect out of it all, like Angry John Seller (link on the side) puts up interesting and sometimes random stuff but in the end he still has something to be angry about.

I've decided I need to distill my blog down to something further, something smaller than just my life but not so small that it runs out of steam and interest, doesn't mean there won't still be chance encounters of random life topics or aspect incorporated into it sometimes and I have no intention or re-restarting by blog, I'll just alter and re-imagine (the new trendster word for redo or remake) from here forward.
I have the rest of today off so I'll see what if I like the changes and alterations that I come up with enough to put them into effect.  If not then I guess the blog stays as is and that's that.
